15 January 2007

Cold hands, Warm heart

When I lived in Missouri, we had plenty of snow. And ice. And cold. But, it never seemed to be enough to force the school and road closures that I felt were more than warranted. So, I feel Mother Nature still owes me a snow day.

Personally, I would sleep and watch bad daytime TV all day. But, I suspect that’s not an option with little ones at home due to inclement weather. So what’s a mother to do?

TV is still an option, but instead of repetitive cartoons, or worse, anything on E!, how about a classic movie marathon instead? What better time to expose the kids to the joys of Julie Andrews than on a day when you have them captive! The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins should take you through naptime, at least.

The clever Channel 8 Daybreak crew mentioned putting the kids to some pre-spring cleaning this morning, too. As Mary Poppins would say, “To every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.”

And then, there are others who get crafty when the going gets chilly. Making a pot of hot chocolate and scrapbooking, finger painting or cookie baking could be positively heartwarming on a day like today.


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