13 November 2006

What’s In the (Cocktail) Sauce?

It’s been two weeks since I last blogged – I know, what a slacker. But my lack of online input has simply been because I didn’t know how to follow-up on my last entry, “Boy or Girl?” Here’s my quandary, do I spill the beans on baby’s gender (yes, the hubby, Chris, and I now know) or do I keep it secret a little while longer? I decided to go with the latter … for now. =)

But here’s what happened on Halloween.

The representatives from IntelliGender (Rebecca and Teresa couldn’t be sweeter, by the way) stopped by the office to pick up “my sample.” I’d told them I didn’t have any “official” collection cups and asked what I should use. Rebecca said she’d received samples in everything, even a Starbuck’s cup. So the night before I pillaged the kitchen, looking for something suitable. Behold the abandoned shrimp-cocktail jar in the back of the fridge — perfect! It had a tight, no-spill lid and wasn’t gynormous like the pickle jar I’d contemplated only moments before.

I scrubbed the label off the jar, rinsed out all remnants of seafoodiness and gave it a run in the dishwasher. The next morning, thinking I’d been smart by finding such a user (and tester) friendly collection “cup,” I presented Rebecca and Teresa with my sample. “Wow, this is certainly a first,” they laughed upon seeing the jar lid, which read Golden Dipt Cocktail Sauce. My face turned crimson, much like the cocktail condiment I’d rinsed away the night before. “Hey, at least it has a lid,” I joked, knowing it would be a long ride back to the testing area without one.

By 3:30 that afternoon, the “sauce” had spoken.

much love~

p.s. A big thanks to all of you who e-mailed and weighed in on “peanut’s” gender. I loved reading your responses.

1 comment:

Weintribe said...

oh come on...you can't keep us hanging!

what did the 'sauce' say? ;)