13 February 2007

Art Appreciation 101

Art has a power over some people that cannot be replicated. Its effect so strong that it can bring out every human emotion in a person – fear, sadness, anguish, happiness, laughter, etc. There are numerous reports written on the positive mental learning effects art has on children. In my “artistic” experience, creativity, personal expression and appreciation for the discipline are three of the most lasting gifts instilled by simply learning about and creating art. Not everyone can do art, but anyone can appreciate it.

Last night, the Dallas Museum of Art hosted a cocktail reception and panel discussion with three of the families that made the DMA’s newest exhibit happen: the Hoffmans, the Rachofskys and the Roses. The enormously generous gift of their personal collections to the museum is believed to be the first of its kind in the United States – a decision they haven’t looked back on. These art aficionados divulged to their audience their desire to share their love of art through the donations to the museum. None major artists themselves, the three families developed such a great love and appreciation for the discipline, that they intend to share it with as many people as possible – a great gift to the City of Dallas, and art-admirers around the world.

On that note, look for my upcoming March KidStyle, appropriately set in the art theme. I too am an art-lover, and cannot stress how important it is for children to develop a love of art, even if its only appreciation and not creation. It not only fosters mind development, but also shows them culture, creativity and imagination among many many other benefits.

(Pictured is my most favorite work from the exibit – or one very similar – Untitled, 1977, by Willem de Kooning)


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